Preacher: Jerry Cisar

We, the Church (and the church), are a royal priesthood and holy people. To be a priestly people, a holy people, our first obligation is to the God we serve. As a priestly people, our first obligation is our worship of God together. As a holy people, we must keep that worship pure.

Worship of the Triune God is the primary difference between the church and any other organization (though there are surely many secondary and tertiary differences). Without this worship, the church would not be the church. To be the church is to be a worshipping community; who we are is defined by worship.

God forms His people into His image in worship by His Spirit through the means he has given us. There are 3 things we must consider in examining and exploring our worship: tradition, liturgy, and charismata.

Join us as we explore how our worship is central to our becoming a Spirit-formed community.
