Preacher: Jerry Cisar

To become a people of God’s mission, we must be a prophetic people. To be clear, I do not mean by that a people who prophesy (though that might be a legitimate use of the phrase). I mean a church that first sees clearly (the prophets were known as seers—see-ers) the idols of our age and rid our own lives of those idols.

The hardest idols to root out of our lives are those we have reimagined as Christian. Just as the Israelites in the wilderness made a golden calf and named it Yahweh, declaring it had brought them out of Egypt, so believers through the ages have renamed various idols as God or Christian. We must see these for what they are.

The seductive nature of these idols combined with their ability to masquerade as Christian virtue require supernatural discernment. Join us as we explore the idols of our own making as well as the connection between idolatry and mission.
