Preacher: Jerry Cisar

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday which is sadly one of the more neglected days on the church calendar. For some “Pentecost” is merely a reference to one particular strain of Christians that emphasize emotionalism (as described pejoratively by their detractors). It can bring to mind debates about supernatural gifts of the Spirit. But Pentecost is so much bigger than this.

To grasp the significance of Pentecost we will explore the events of Acts 2 this Sunday setting out to answer 3 things. First, what was Pentecost before it was Pentecost? (I.e. what was Jewish Pentecost in the 1st century, before it became known as the Christian event on the church calendar?) Second, how does Pentecost help us understand Paul? And finally, how did Pentecost change everything?

Join us in worship as we celebrate this momentous day in the history of God’s people.
