Speaker: Daryn Kinney | Book: Luke

Speaker: Daryn Kinney

Jesus doesn’t urge or simply encourage his followers to love their enemies, he commands them to love their enemies. It’s a “non-negotiable” for those who follow him. It’s not an optional add-on. Maybe you’ve asked questions like, “How can Jesus command us to love?” “Is this even possible?” “We can’t take this literally can we?!” “Unless I feel something towards someone, I can’t love them, can I?” This Sunday we’ll hear what Jesus has to say about this hard to understand, transforming love he calls his followers to – a love that in the face of betrayal, pain and misunderstanding stands firm, a love that knows no bounds and has absolutely no barriers.

Handout: http://www.gccc.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/20170226.pdf