Speaker: Jerry Cisar

The first known artistic depiction of the crucifixion in Christian worship was found in Rome and dates back to at least the 3rd century, if not earlier. It is in the style of a cartoon and the caption is “Alaxamenos worships his God.’ The picture shows a man worshiping before one nailed to a cross. The one on the cross is a man with an ass’s head. The idea is that the world thinks we have a fool for a God. In the next room the next scene responds: ‘Alaxamenos fidelis’ (Alaxamenos is faithful).

Commenting on this Os Guinness writes, “…to be a follower of Jesus is to be willing to be a fool for Christ and to join the long tradition of “holy fools” who have graced the story of the church from the beginning.”

When we follow Jesus it may often appear that we are joining a parade of fools. If we follow Jesus to the cross we will at times be seen as fools and derided by the world. But more often than that, we will often see ourselves as being fools as our flesh screams for us to save it. That screaming, however, is like the screaming addition of an addict which is telling him he will die without another drink or hit. It is the opposite of the truth.

Many believers resist the cross we are called to die on more often than not because of the foolishness that they attribute to it. They try to save their lives and therefore lose it; and no matter how many times they lose it – no matter how many times it leads to failed relationship – they refuse to lay down our lives in order to find it. Does that describe anyone you know?

Join us this Sunday to worship the One who laid down His life for us and to explore how He is calling us to live in a way that follows Him in every relationship of life.

Handout: http://media.gccc.net/2015/08/20150816.pdf