Speaker: Jerry Cisar | Series: Who Is Like God? | Book: Micah

Speaker: Jerry Cisar

What do the 1994 Rwandan genocide and the Assyrian threat to Judah around 700 BC have in common? God was busy rescuing people out of the midst of the tragedy. One rescue story from the Rwandan genocide has lines that connect to the Lord’s rescue mission in our text this Sunday, Micah 6:1-8.

Immaculée Ilibagiza survived that genocide. In her New York Times Best Seller, Left to Tell, she recounts: “I heard the killers call my name. They were on the other side of the wall, and less than an inch of plaster and wood separated us. Their voices were cold, hard, and determined. “She’s here … we know she’s here somewhere…. Find her—find Immaculée.” There were many voices, many killers. I could see them in my mind: my former friends and neighbors, who had always greeted me with love and kindness, moving through the house carrying spears and machetes and calling my name…. I silently began to pray: Oh, please, God, please help me. Don’t let me die like this…. Please, God, …save me! Save me! The killers moved from the house….They were gone, but they would be back many times over the next three months. I believe that God had spared my life, but I’d learn during the 91 days I spent trembling in fear with seven others in a closet-sized bathroom that being spared is much different from being saved…and this lesson forever changed me.”

Too often we think of salvation only in the sense of being spared from hell, when God wants us to know what it means to be saved. In our text, the people of God are told to remember in order that they may know the righteous acts of the Lord. How does remembering God’s saving acts help us know the righteous acts of the Lord?

Handout: http://media.gccc.net/2017/08/20170820.pdf