Thank you for your interest in finding out more about us! We hope this website will enable you to get a taste of the grace which God has abundantly given us in Christ. We are a local church in St. Petersburg, FL serving the Tampa Bay area.
The best way to get to know us is to be our guest at a few of our Sunday Celebrations held at 10 AM. It is a time when we join to thank God for what He is doing in our lives and honor Him with heart-felt worship. Having experienced His undeserved grace, we desire to express gratitude and proclaim His greatness in worship.
After a time of worship, we pursue growth in Christ through teaching of God’s Word. Not only do we strive to have teaching which is practical and applicable, we also strive to form the message around the text of Scripture we are examining and let God’s authoritative Word affect our lives. We start with a premise that Scripture is the story of redemption: God’s provision for fallen man through the death of His Son.
Our style of worship and teaching may seem very familiar or it may be a completely new experience. In either case, we hope you will take the time to get to know us and give us the opportunity to get to know you, too! We count it a privilege and joy that you have an interest in learning about Gulf Coast.
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At the heart of who we are as a church, we desire to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Our passion is to be a Cross-centered, grace-filled, Spirit-empowered church. We are committed to sound doctrine in all that we do. We treasure the Bible as God’s inspired Word and gladly submit to its authority. Because we believe that the Bible is sufficient to direct us in every area of life, Bible study and scriptural application are vital to how we walk out our faith and care for one another. In our times of corporate celebration, we want our worship to be an exuberant expression of our passion for God, our preaching to be Biblical, and our ministry personal and effective.
We believe that the Christian life was meant to be lived out in the context of the local Church body and genuine relationships play an essential part. In our increasingly fragmented culture, meaningful relationships are becoming more and more difficult to maintain. God has designed the church, however, to be a lasting answer to this problem – a family of friends who care for one another and overcome the differences that keep people apart. Whether it is building lifelong friendships, reaching out to someone who is not like us, or working to resolve conflicts with biblical integrity, genuine relationships are a true possibility in the church. Lastly, for us to have the impact that God intends, we must hold fast to the Gospel of Christ. We long to see the Gospel transform lives in our own neighborhoods, throughout the region, and even to the ends on the earth. We welcome you to join with us in work that God has called us to.