Speaker: Jerry Cisar | Series: Imagining the Kingdom | Book: Ephesians

Preacher: Jerry Cisar

During and following the 2016 presidential election, both sides claimed Russian interference in favor of their opponent’s campaign. It turns out, they were both right. In 2017 it was shown that both were correct (I dare not say “right”). In fact, it appears that the only goal the Russians have is to get our society to fight in order to tear itself apart. They may have succeeded.

The church hasn’t needed much help to accomplish the same thing, especially when it comes to verses like those in our text this Sunday: Ephesians 5:20—6:9. Wives submit. Children obey. Slaves obey. Or at least that’s what our minds are often drawn to.

Debates over these words from Paul are usually framed around modern questions and rarely helpful for the change of heart which Paul desires in the church. Was Paul a misogynist? Did he endorse slavery? Was Paul teaching mutual submission between husbands and wives, parents and children, slaves and masters? If so, how realistic is that?

Join us in worship as we seek to get to the heart of Paul’s instructions and hopefully, growing out of this, we will find answers to such questions. More importantly, we will hopefully be transformed into Christ’s likeness.

Handout: https://gccc-recordings.s3.amazonaws.com/handouts/20230917.pdf