Our Liberating King – Palm Sunday – Matthew 21:1-17
March 25, 2018Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Speaker: Jerry Cisar
This Sunday, the church worldwide commemorates Palm Sunday—the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey at the beginning of the week of Passover. That week ended with his death and burial. I grew up in a tradition in which we were all handed a palm leaf as we entered that Sunday morning. Since becoming an adult, I worship in a context in which Palm Sunday might not get mentioned, but it does get preached about every 3 or 4 years.
Is this an important event? If so, why? On that original Palm Sunday, Jesus was confronting His own generation concerning their desires for freedom through power, through annihilation of enemies, through revenge and rebellion. Psalm Sunday calls us to examine our allegiances. Is Christ truly our King, or do we daily bow to other kings and princes? In whom or what do you trust for liberation, freedom, or rescue? What powers do you trust in?
When the Democrats and Republicans in Congress passed a massive budget bill this week with a $trillion deficit and the president signed it, what did your heart do? Were you fearful because our lives depend on prosperity? Were you excited because you heard that a lot was being spent on making the US an even greater military powerhouse? Or did you have mixed emotions because of each of these?
Join us as we seek to apply what Jesus is communicating to us in Matthew 21:1-17.